Friday, November 5, 2010

If you want to know how cute second-grade Lydia is, just read this book report she wrote. She hasn't learned Hannah's "technique" in sending me her papers to proof-read yet. Personally, I like this paper much better than Hannah's. ;)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Negative Nancy?

In past semesters, I never really studied with other people in my class. I would talk to them and try and get to know people, but never really studied with anyone. I still do better on tests when I study alone, but I have been studying with others some too. It has rather annoyed me that every single study session has turned into a "complain about the teacher/work load" session. I'm fine with people expressing how they feel about the subject matter to an extent. When we don't even study but rather just complain the whole time, nothing gets accomplished at all, and it definitely isn't a good attitude to have!
Hannah also was telling me about how a lot of people just seem so depressed at her school. There is just always something negative or wrong going on, so they complain about it.
I'm not one of those "as-long-as-we-think-positive-everything-will-be-ok" type people. But, I am one of those "God-is-in-control-so-don't-worry-or-complain-because-we-get-so-much-better-than-we-deserve-anyway" people.

We deserve nothing yet God chooses to give so many blessings. How can we complain against the faithfulness and provision of the Lord? We should give thanks in all things!
Here is an excerpt from a letter written by John Newton that is a great reminder of the Lord's goodness:

“[One of the marks of Christian Maturity which a believer should seek is] an acquiescence in the Lord’s will founded in a persuasion of His wisdom, holiness, sovereignty and goodness.…So far as we can attain this, we are secure from disappointment. Our own limited views, and shortsighted purposes and desires, may be, and will be, often over-ruled; but then our main and leading desire, that the will of the Lord be done, must be accomplished. How highly does it become us, both as creatures and as sinners, to submit to the appointment of our maker! and how necessary is it to our peace!