Sunday, September 7, 2008

Idle Words

Here are a few thoughts on what I read in the bible this morning that I wrote in my journal:
"But I say to you that for every idle word men
may speak, they will give account of it
in the day of judgement. For by your
words you are justified, or by your words you
will be condemned."
Matthew 12:36-37
I've been thinking a lot lately about the theme of this verse. For unbelievers, talking "idly" is all that ever comes out of their mouth. For Christians, this is too often the case as well. If we have such a hope as Christ, how can we not speak of Him and His greatness? We are too content to talk of politics, the weather, work, school, or play. Yes, those things need to be spoken of and discussed at times. However, the theme of our life needs to be Christ and the work He is doing.


Megan and Ryan Reed said...

Happy Birthday!!! Wow, 19?! It's weird to think we are only 7 years apart. Crazy! I hope your day was filled with love and joy for the Lord. Blessings.

Megan Reed

Rachel Rhodes said...

Thanks! Maybe I'll have two little boys, like you, in 7 years! ;-)

Megan and Ryan Reed said...

Whew! I remeber asking Ryan, when we were dating if he imagined getting married and having children within the next five years, he said no and we broke up. A year later we got married and five years later we have two boys. You never know where God will have you tomorrow :)