Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thoughts on Suffering

I just finished watching an interview on Larry King Live with the Steven Curtis Chapman family. As you may have heard, their youngest daughter Maria Sue was killed by a car accident in their driveway. When the news was released that this had happened, thoughts and questions filled our minds. Just about two months later, the family can gather on national television and speak with confidence about the sovereignty of God. Another music tour is beginning. Plans for the wedding of their oldest child, Emily move forward. Life goes on, but not unchanged.

The Chapman's were not angry. They trust in God and in His good plan. No matter what happens, He is still good and is still on His throne. How can one rest with peace and joy after experiencing such pain? It is by the grace of God alone. As Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning."

Every morning! Each day God gives us the strength to endure whatever trials or pain or suffering is in our life. We can trust His promises that it is for our own good. Caleb Chapman spoke at his sister's funeral service about the restoration and healing that would come to his brother, who was the driver of the car. He told of how he was sure that the new Will Franklin would be stronger and more sure of his faith. God uses our circumstances, whether good or bad to drive us to Him.

Why did God allow the death of Maria Sue? Why the death of someone you love? Maybe God will use this story to bring people to Himself. Maybe He will use this to encourage others to adopt. Maybe we will never know why. That is beside the point. We must be faithful to Him so that Christ is glorified by life or in death.

I've never endured suffering like that of losing a child or a sibling. One day, that may come. I asked myself tonight how I would deal with that pain. Would I be angry? I hope and pray that if God wills that in my life, I will have His grace to rely on the sure foundation of His word. I pray that I would cling the love of Christ and His people.

I pray that through the faithful witness of the Chapman family others will see the goodness of God and cling to Him. To see the interview, and learn more about their ministry, see

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