Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feels like Home

"...complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." -Philippians 2:2

For the past three weekends I have had the opportunity to spend time with some of my favorite people in the world--camp friends. It is so nice just to sit and talk and catch up on life with them. These people get me. We have been through a lot, over the course of the past two summers, with each other. I am really thankful for the time of fellowship with them recently. I love how I haven't seen some of them since camp ended but we can just pick up where we left off, like we were never apart. I feel totally myself and at ease with these people. What do we talk about when we are together? The better question is....What do we NOT talk about? Everything from the dumbest little stories or reliving camp memories to checking in on one another's spiritual life. I love them a lot. Being with them feels like going home after a long time away.

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